【同义词辨析】 2017-08-05 练习practice-drill

practice: may imply a doing habitually or regularly: ~ one's profession; or a doing over and over for the sake of acquiring proficiency and skill: ~ on the piano each day. (proficiency精通,指全面的能力thorough ability)(skill技术: 专业知识+精通 technocal knowledge and proficiency)

exercise: implies a keeping at work and often suggests resulting strengthening and development: ~ muscles by active play.

drill: connotes an intent to fix as a habit, and stresses repetition as a means of training and disciplining : ~ school children in pronunciation.

practice: 两个意思 1) 从事: 有规律的做某事, 如practice medicine从医; 2) 练习: 一遍遍,为了精通熟练, exercise操练:持续锻炼(work这里表示使用力量),为了强化发展, drill训练: 重复的培训训练(train,drill),为了形成习惯(habit习惯: 不经意的做某事)

记忆方法:1) PED: 词根表示,想象成脚部练习(biped:二足动物,impede: 阻碍)

          2)三种练习的目的不同: 精通熟练,发展强化,培养习惯,同义词也需要这三种练习

          3)练习的意思是反复实践mean to perform or make perform repeatedly.

         How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

               Jason, 2018.1.1